Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our First Year in Cairo Draws to a Close We got free tickets to the PTO ball!
As the end our first school year in Cairo rapidly comes to an end we thought to take this opportunity for one more blog before the summer break. So often we only blog after we have been on a trip so from our blog our lives look like one overseas adventure after another. Although we love the trips and adventures that this lifestyle has allowed us, our real life is here in the beautiful suburb of Maadi on the egde of Cairo.
We love our balcony!
We believe that our rather rapid transition from Cambodia to Egypt in 2007 was guided by a higher power. Looking back over the year we can already see some of the ways that God has orchestrated a place for us here - at least for the next few years! Marc is LOVING his job on the team of high school counselors at CAC and has a passion and enjoyment for his work not seen since he was a Hall Director at Taylor Fort Wayne.
Marc loving his job.
It gives him a chance to have relationships with students as well as use the administration and people skills for which he has a natural talent and has honed with study and expereince. Melanie had a chance for a much needed rest during the first few months in Cairo after finishing with International SOS Cambodia in August 07 and flying directly to Cairo. Mel enjoying her sabatical.
During that time she was able to make some exceptional friends that helped to ease the pain of leaving friends in Cambodia. When living as global nomad, although you may leave good friends you do not loose them and you get to make new ones!
Mel with Prisilla, a fellow nurse and one of our new friends.
After the time of rest there have been several different job opportunities that have been challenging, fun and helpful in getting to know the local medical scene. We were praying for a more perminant opportunity for Mel so that we both would be doing something we enjoyed. This prayer was answered when, after a somehwat drawn out process, Mel was the successful candidate for a school nurse position at CAC for 08/09. The school nurse office at CAC is unparellelled in our expereince with a team of highly qualified nurses, headed by an exceptional Nurse Practitioner caring for staff, students and at times the community. Melanie is looking foward to being part of this team and learning lots. The job is part time which will allow time for other pursuits too!!
Our everyday lives are pretty much the same as yours except we get to live them near the pyramids and only slightly removed from the hussle of a city of 20 million. We have a great church within walking distance that meets outdoors under a tent in all weather. There has been a lot of turn over of the leadership over the past year and a new senior pastor has just arrived. Things are looking good for the future. We have a fun small-group with whom we meet each week to share our triumphs and defeats and talk about what we are learning about being followers of God.

At the Camel Market with Mom & Dad and Brad & Emily from our small-group (we think Brad is taking a photo).

Mel has a book group and exercise class, the later of which she attends grudingly but untimately enjoys once its over. Marc has been involved in basketball, softball and occational volleyball games but gets most of his exercise at a local gym (Mels thinks he mainly goes because of the sauna!). We have felt really accepted and valued by the school community and have made some good friends. One thing that we have really enjoyed is the Cairo weather: The dry heat and minimal rain has been a nice change as well as the distinct change of seasons and cool weather Nov-Feb. We have been pleasantly suprised at how long the nice weather has lasted. We also have two parakeets that don't really have names yet. The birds also brought the doorman's daughter, Doah as a frequent visiter to our house. She looks at the birds and plays hide and seek and I practice Arabic with her.
Occasionally on the weekend we get out to some of the multitude of fantastic things to see and experience in Cairo. We have blogged most of those expereinces. Lately we have been lucky enough to have a few visitors; Travis and Amy Vanest (sorry no photo), Bob Rogenbuck (below)and at the moment Marc's parents. It has been fun sharing our lovely apartment and our part of Cairo with them. We do have several comprimising pictures of Lew but we will keep them for later...
With Mom and Dad at Bab Zweila - one of medieval Cairo's gates.With Mom & Dad at excavations around the Sakara Step Pyramid

Mom & Dad on a sunset felucca (who is driving the boat?)