Sunday, December 27, 2009

Moores do Cairo Museum Today we tried to go to the Papyrus Institute and the Cairo Tower. First we took the Metro train. It was quite crowded but we did fine with the girls in the Ladies Car and the boys in the general section. Then we took two taxis to find the Papyrus Institute. After some kind of taxi-treasure-hunt lead by a driver with serious road rage and who did not actually know the way, we found the insititute closed permanently and converted to a Golds Gym! Since the air quality was too poor to catch goods views from the tower we diverted to the Cairo Museum. On the way there the taxi that Team Bravo (Kim, Mel and Madi) was in, which emitted a constant screaching from under the bonnet, broke down - twice. After the second time Kim decided that from the smell of boiling radiator, the problem was fatal. We bailed and hailed another taxi while the driver re-started the sick taxi and tried to convince us that there was "no problem". A little later we passed him with his bonnet up, broken down on the bridge!! We could not take our cameras into the museum but it was as overwhelming as expected and we did a quick run through of the highlights. Our favourite things:

Marc: The giant beds made from long skinny wooden lions found in King Tut's tomb
Madi: The metal finger and toe tips used to protect the fingers and toes of mummies.
Nathan: Animal mummies especially 10 foot crocodile mummies
Melissa: The doll like models of boats, armies and everyday life that Pharoahs put in their tombs
Kim: Giant stone statues on the ground floor.
Mel: Mummies in the mummy room - the "dead guys"


Blogger Greg and Linda, Hayley, Jacob, Zachariah and Aaron Wilson said...

Ha! So funny about the taxi! Sounds like you're having fun.

2:23 AM  

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