Monday, March 09, 2009

We're having some trouble posting our recent blogs, so hopefully this will go through.... I just got back two nights ago and am taking advantage of a day off school (for the prophet's birthday) to catch up on some much-needed rest. My friend, Brent, and I chaperoned 16 students on a trip to India and Bhutan. You may remember that last year I got to take a group camping along the Ganges River in India. Well, at the end of that trip I started talking with one of the staff members about a possible trip to Bhutan.... The school's Week Without Walls committee bought into the proposal, so we got to move forward!

We spent the first day in Delhi, as the flight schedule into Bhutan is very limited. The next morning we flew through Kathmandu to Bhutan, and just visited a couple sights in hopes of getting acclimatized to the altitude.

(Thimpu's parliament house in the background)
The next morning we hiked to a monastery near the capital, Thimpu.
(not a bad view....)
(there was some steep climbing involved...)
The following day's highlight was a drive up to a high mountain pass at nearly 4,000 meters.
(view from the pass)
Some of our students had never touched snow before then; several snowball fights ensued....
Our last full day in Bhutan involved a lengthy and steep hike to the Tiger's Nest Monastery. All 18 of us made it up and down without injury - no small feat! The monastery was amazing, to say the least, and we were told that the hike is rated as one of the top five in the world. 2+ hours of steep climbing were followed by steep stairs down and back up to our destination. It's hard to comprehend the amount of work that went into building this monastery over 400 years ago.
(view from the bottom; see the white spot near the top...)
(and from the top!)
We were even rewarded with a clear view of Mt. Everest on our flight out of Bhutan - amazing!
Brent and I were blessed to have a group of fantastic students, who loved spending time together (this isn't always the case)....

It truly was an amazing week!
(the lucky chaperones)


Blogger Chris said...

Yeah, well, ah, I took my students on a field trip to the University in our city. And there was a Starbucks there. Well, actually just a place that brews Starbucks coffee...

Sounds like an amazing trip...jealous, yes, yes, I am.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Greg and Linda, Hayley, Jacob, Zachariah and Aaron Wilson said...

What an incredible trip! What awesome photos! I love the one of the blossoms. Yes, how on EARTH did they manage to build that monestry?

1:25 PM  

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